Tree Planting in the DPRK

This is March, and air of spring is felt all over.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has a vast area of forests in its territory. The tree nurseries in various parts of the country cultivate saplings of trees of superior species on an industrial footing.

When spring and autumn come around every year, the people plant trees of economic value, including zelkova that adds further to the scenery of streets and villages, by combining needle-leaved and broad-leaved trees, on the principle of creating conditions favourable for their growth.

While protecting and taking care of the forests, the country is striving to prevent forest fires by establishing a nationwide online forest fire monitoring system.

The people study hard the advanced science and technology related to tree planting to plant trees on the principle of planting them on the right soil and in the right season.

Amid the flames of the movements to win the title of Forest of Socialist Patriotism and the title of Model Forest County flaring up, the number of streets, villages and houses named after willow, apricot, persimmon and pear trees is increasing, and many are called cities and factories in woods and schools in parks.

Tree planting on national holidays and wedding days gives a glimpse into the people’s awareness of environmental protection.

The vigorous tree-planting movement is covering the whole country with grasses and trees including fruit trees.

In the DPRK March 14 is Tree-Planting Day.