Kim Il Sung’s Career Seen through Figures (2)

The following figures can help to understand what kind of person Kim Il Sung (1912-1994), founding father of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, was.

Defeating Two Imperialist Forces in One Generation

On April 25, 1932, Kim Il Sung founded the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army, the first revolutionary armed force of the Korean people, in Antu, Northeast China. Since then the Korean people called him General Kim Il Sung.

He led an arduous armed struggle against Japan, without the backing of a state and support of a regular army, and liberated Korea on August 15, 1945.

On June 25, 1950, as part of its strategy for world supremacy, the United States ignited a war in Korea to occupy the whole of the Korean peninsula, and hurled into the war over two-million-strong forces including one-third of its ground force, one-fifth of its air force, most of its Pacific Fleet, some of its Mediterranean Fleet, as well as the troops of its 15 vassal states, puppet ROK army and even the remnants of the former Japanese army.

Although the DPRK was barely two years old, he led his people and army to win the war.

Francisco da Costa Gomes, former Portuguese president and chief of staff of the Portuguese forces in Macau during the Korean war, once said: The operations plans of the United States were brought to completion through several rounds of discussion by scores of generals including chiefs of staff and military experts of the Western countries which took the side of the United States. But General Kim Il Sung foiled them virtually single-handedly. While witnessing this with my own eyes, I came to realize that he was the greatest military strategist and commander the world had ever seen.