Kim Il Sung’s Career Seen through Figures (3)

The following figures can help to understand what kind of person Kim Il Sung (1912-1994), founding father of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, was.

Leading Two Stages of Social Revolution to Victory

Having clarified that the liberated new Korea should follow the road to democracy of the Korean style, not that of the Soviet or US style, Kim Il Sung inspired all the Korean people to carry out an anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution.

Under his leadership, the Agrarian Reform Law, the Law on the Nationalization of Major Industries, the Law on Sex Equality and other democratic laws were enforced in succession in keeping with the surging passion of the people for the building of a new, democratic Korea, putting forward workers, peasants and women, who had been subjected to maltreatment of the Japanese imperialists and traitors to the nation in the past, as masters of the country and society. This led to the liquidation of the remnant forces of Japanese imperialism and feudal landownership once and for all and establishment of the most advantageous people’s democratic system for the first time in history.

When everything had been reduced to ashes by the US imperialists during the Korean war, he, with the conviction that the socialist revolution alone could guarantee the independent development of his country, pushed forward with the cooperativization of the rural economy and the remoulding of private handicraftsmen and entrepreneurs along socialist lines. 1958 saw the establishment of socialist system in the DPRK.

Then the Korean people vigorously waged the Chollima movement at his proposal, turning their country into a powerful socialist industrial state in a matter of 14 years.