Children in the DPRK and International Children’s Day

The DPRK has been paying great attention to good rearing and education of children, regarding it as an important undertaking for the country’s prosperity.

In the difficult conditions after the country’s liberation, it set up nurseries and kindergartens at factories, enterprises and farms and established the system of bringing up and educating children at public expense. Even in the period of the Fatherland Liberation War, it built many baby homes and orphanages and adopted the measures for bringing the orphans up entirely at state expense.

Thanks to this system, the children are growing up happily in nurseries, kindergartens, baby homes and orphanages with excellent conditions under the state and public care.

They all cultivate their talents to their heart’s content. Anyone would find such children easily in nurseries and kindergartens in every part of the country today, June 1, the International Children’s Day.

They are adding more to the holiday atmosphere with merry songs, dances and sports meets.