Consideration to the Work Program of IMO

The 103rd session of the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization, held remotely, gave consideration to the work program of the Organization on May 12 2021.

Some officials of the Maritime Administration of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea participated in the meeting.

A number of delegations invited the Maritime Safety Committee to approve their proposals to be included in the Organization’s work program as new outputs.

Brazil, et al. suggested that chapter XII of SOLAS Convention and the associated requirements of ESP Code be amended based on the lessons drawn from a marine accident which they had recently investigated.

The delegation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, taking into account potential burden on ships by additional surveys, opined that this suggestion should be scientifically justified by quantifying the frequency and severity of the relevant risk. A number of delegates highlighted the need of the risk analysis to be followed by the proposed amendments to ESP Code. Accordingly, the Committee decided to instruct the Sub-committee on Ship Design and Construction to further consider the matter.

Following in-depth deliberation, many proposals were added to the work program of the Organization, including incorporation of requirements of VHF Data Exchange System into SOLAS Convention, development of performance standards of the digital navigational data system, evaluation of adequacy of fire prevention system onboard containerships as against their increasing sizes, etc.