Great Heyday of Construction Being Unfolded under Wise Leadership of Kim Jong Un

The great heyday of construction is now being unfolded in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea under the wise leadership of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un. He is a great master of creation, a genius of art of architecture who creates great heyday of construction unprecedented in history, the myths of construction in Juche Korea.

He elucidated the core of the Juche-oriented architecture and the basic principles of construction including a principle of holding fast to the Juche character by applying the people-first doctrine and properly combining national character and modern character and building at the remarkably fast speed the monumental edifices that surpass the world level and are impeccable even in the distant future.

He wisely leads the people to create a new construction speed of socialist Korea to startle the world.

Looking round several places of the workers’ hostel newly built at the Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Silk Mill, he said that such a hostel could be built only in the DPRK, the country for the working class. He said how pleased President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il would have been if they had seen it.

His Juche-oriented idea on architecture and wise leadership run through with the people-first principle is associated also in the newly built Pyongyang Middle School for Orphans.

Taking measures to build baby homes and orphanages in all provinces to be proud of in the world, he initiated the building of orphans’ primary and middle schools equipped with education environment and living conditions on the highest level and solved all problems arising in the construction while giving guidance to their miniatures.

When he visited the completed Sci-Tech Complex, he said that he was impressed by the creation speed of his army and the people. A saying goes, he added, that times change and we change with them but they strived to build a lot of edifices in recent years, compressing ten years into one. He highly appreciated that although they created the new every year in the past, but now they create the new at a miraculous speed in which morning and night, today and yesterday are different.

Saying that such edifice as Sci-Tech Complex cannot be found in any other country, Kim Jong Un stated with pleasure that the complex is the structure built with a completely fresh method of construction, the Korean-style structure built with the Korean-style design and construction and the monumental edifice in which the WPK’s Juche-oriented idea of architectural aesthetics is applied.

Under his wise leadership, the DPRK people have registered great successes. They not only built one modern street in Pyongyang every year and new fairy streets and villages in different parts of the country but carried out huge task of building Paektusan Hero Youth Power Station and the like.

Lots of structures built in the DPRK in recent years including Youth Movement Museum, Mindulle Notebook Factory, Pyongyang Sports Goods Factory, Ryugyong Kimchi Factory, Medical Oxygen Factory, Ryugyong General Ophthalmic Hospital, Ryongaksan Soap Factory, Mirae Shop, Kumsanpho Fish Pickling Factory and Kumsanpho Fishery Station are associated with guidance of respected Kim Jong Un who paid attention to designing, building and finishing as well as planning.

Thanks to his uncommon wisdom and wise leadership, the DPRK will build a powerful socialist country in the near future while rushing forward to attain a higher goal and changing its appearance with monumental edifices to be proud before the world.