Consideration on EEXI/CII related guidelines

The 76th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), held remotely, gave consideration to the draft guidelines related to Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicators (CII) on June 14 2021.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was represented by officials from the Maritime Administration and Marine Environment Protection Coordination Center of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Six of the seven draft guidelines, including G1, G2, G4, G5, G6 and G7, which had been submitted to the meeting, immediately satisfied the participants. However the Committee was divided on the draft Guidelines on the Operational Carbon Intensity Reduction Factors relative to Reference Lines (G3), which led to prolonged discussion.

Delegations from European countries and some North American ones expressed their concerns about the proposed draft G3 as it would result only in 11% of CO2 emissions decrease by 2026. They were positive in insisting on relatively hard measures focused on, at least, the 22% decrease goal. However, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, China, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba and other Asian and Latin American countries were of the view that, as against the current global economic situation, the 11% goal based on relatively soft measures was preferable, highlighting that this 11% meant a considerable decrease compared with the level of 2008 that the Initial IMO GHG Strategy indicates. They added that it is after 2026 that the relatively hard measures would be realistic.

As a result, the Committee approved the draft G3 in compliance with the views of the developing countries.

The approval of theses seven EEXI and CII related guidelines from G1 to G7 makes a tangible contribution to IMO’s permanent strategy of ensuring clean and efficient shipping.