The DPRK Delegation Participated in MEPC 76

The delegation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea led by Nam Hyon Il, Deputy Director General of the Maritime Administration, participated at the 76th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The meeting was held remotely from June 10 to June 17 2021.

It started with adoption of its fourteen agendas, which were subject to consideration during the session, including adoption of mandatory instruments of the Organization, air pollution prevention, ship energy efficiency, reduction of GHG emissions from ships, etc.

It resulted in the adoption of amendments to some marine environment related instruments of the Organization, the most significant of which was MARPOL Annex VI aiming to facilitate the implementation of the Initial IMO strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ships.

Besides, in-depth consideration was given to some important proposals on the comprehensive assessment of the impact of the GHG reduction short-term measures on States, the draft future work plan for development of mid- and long-term measures, establishment of a new fund system to raise fund needed to develop new fuels or technologies for decarbonization in shipping, etc.

It agreed to fix the date for the next session in the period from 8 to 12 November this year.