Maritime Laws

Title Date Show Count
Law of the DPRK on Registration of Ships2024.10.30.312
Chapter 1 - Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Search and Rescue2023.11.30.6
Chapter 2 - Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Search and Rescue2023.11.30.17
Chapter 3 - Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Search and Rescue2023.11.30.61
Chapter 4 - Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Search and Rescue2023.11.30.24
Chapter 5 - Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Search and Rescue2023.11.30.63
Law of the DPR Korea on Ship Safety-Chapter 22023.6.24.1433
Law of the DPR Korea on Ship Safety-Chapter 32023.6.24.1516
Law of the DPR Korea on Ship Safety-Chapter 42023.6.24.1491
Law of the DPR Korea on Ship Safety-Chapter 12023.6.24.1447
Law of the DPR Korea on Ship Safety-Chapter 52023.6.24.1433
Chapter 1 - Law of the DPRK on Seafarers2023.3.31.1453
Chapter 2 - Law of the DPRK on Seafarers2023.3.31.1395
Chapter 3 - Law of the DPRK on Seafarers2023.3.31.1429
Chapter 4 - Law of the DPRK on Seafarers2023.3.31.1371
Chapter 5 - Law of the DPRK on Seafarers2023.3.31.1401
Chapter 6 - Law of the DPRK on Seafarers2023.3.31.1414
Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Administration Chapter 12022.9.30.1710
Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Administration Chapter 112022.9.30.1609
Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Administration Chapter 102022.9.30.1603
Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime AdministrationChapter 92022.9.30.1580
Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Administration Chapter 82022.9.30.1611
Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Administration Chapter 72022.9.30.1606
Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Administration Chapter 62022.9.30.1627
Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Administration Chapter 22022.9.30.1598
Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Administration Chapter 32022.9.30.1606
Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Administration Chapter 42022.9.30.1619
Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Administration Chapter 52022.9.30.1588
Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Administration Chapter 122022.9.30.1695
Law of the DPRK on the Prevention of Marine Pollution2022.6.2.1924
Law of the DPR Korea on Ship Safety2022.6.2.1875
Law of the DPR Korea on Maritime Search and Rescue2022.6.2.1868
Law of the DPRK on Seafarer2022.6.2.1834
Law of the DPRK on Marine Casualty Investigation2022.5.31.1841

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