Great Leadership

Immortal Episode

Title Date
A Blessed Family of Educators2024.9.28.
Kim Il Sung Defeats Two Imperialist Powers2024.7.31.
Father of Soldiers2024.7.31.
Kim Il Sung Seen by a Japanese2024.7.31.
Sanatoria and Holiday Camps Restored in Wartime2024.7.31.
Dawn Redwood in Korea2024.7.31.
Looking Round the Kitchen First2024.7.31.
Operation for Rescuing a Child2024.7.31.
A Very Important Issue2024.6.30.
Visiting the Family of a Student2024.6.30.
Meticulous Concern2024.6.30.
Story about Jewel-encrusted Floor2024.6.30.
Foregoing Rest2024.6.30.
Pavilion Changes into School2024.6.30.
Bud and Flower2024.6.30.
We Have Never Spared Money for the Children2024.6.30.
Paying Close Attention to Pencils for Students2024.6.30.
Electric Arc Furnace Blown Up2024.6.1.
Fundamental Key to Miracles2024.6.1.
Bringing Up Women to Be Masters of Factory2024.6.1.
Change in the Fishing Industry2024.6.1.
Wrong Intention2024.6.1.
A Factory for the People2024.6.1.
Kim Il Sung and Soekarno2024.5.13.
Helping Farmers2024.4.30.
Even When Reading the People’s Opinions2024.4.30.
Meticulous Care2024.3.29.
Even during a Break2024.3.29.
If It Is For the Good of the People2024.3.29.
“Pedigree Farm” for Training Teachers2024.3.29.
One of the Happiest Days2024.2.27.
Workers Should Sit Here2024.2.27.
The Reason Why He Called Officials2024.2.27.
Request to Officials2024.2.27.
Emphasizing the Importance of Studying Science and Technology2024.1.29.
At the Outset of a New Year2024.1.29.
Emergency Task for Flight2023.12.30.
Fairest Appraisal2023.12.30.
Incarnation of Love for Humankind Admired by World2023.12.30.
Infant Knows the Taste2023.12.30.
Seat Number 28 in Fourth Row2023.12.30.
“Bee Story”2023.10.31.
Eternal President of DPRK2023.10.31.
In Order to Preserve Independence2023.9.28.
Traces of Endless Devotion2023.8.31.
For the Sake of a Soldier’s Family2023.7.31.
Something That Can Not Be Bartered for Anything2023.7.31.
His Day’s Work2023.7.6.
Something He Asked Girl Nurses to Do2023.7.6.
Supreme Incarnation of Love for Posterity and Future2023.7.6.
“Treasure” He Found2023.5.30.
Calculation Method for the Interests of People2023.5.30.
Life of Great Devotion2023.4.18.
Priceless Instructions Enshrined in Heart2023.4.18.
Day of Shining Star Tells Meaningful Story2023.2.25.
A Day Spent at a Construction Site2023.2.2.
Picture That Could Not Be Taken2023.2.2.
Song of the Sea2022.12.31.
Something Good Should Be Given to People First2022.10.31.
Take the Lead in Fish Farming As Well2022.8.31.
Becoming an Honorary Manager2022.8.31.
Banquet for Workers Arranged with Warm Love2022.8.31.
“Mystery” Made Clear Decades After2022.8.31.
Telling to Make Children Cut Tape2022.8.31.
Respect and Ardent Love for War Veterans2022.7.29.
Morning Rain to which the President Exposed on His Birthday2022.7.29.
Making Selfless, Devoted Efforts for the Good of the People2022.7.29.
The President Commands the Rescue Operation of the Samjiyon2021.7.16.
A Fisherwoman Rescued2021.7.16.

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